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The Average IQ in United States is 98. What’s Yours IQ?

Find out how smart you are with this 20-question IQ challenge.

– 20 Questions
– Created by the IQ-Test.xyz Research Team
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30K+ People Completed IQ Test.

Check out the highest IQ rankings and scores

Highest IQ by country

Curious how your country performs in terms of intelligence compared to other areas? Find it on this list and check the average IQ of your competitors!

Average IQ:107

Hong Kong
Average IQ:106

Average IQ:107

Average IQ:105

Average IQ:107

South Korea
Average IQ:103

Highest IQ by age

Are you smarter than a 5th grader? You don’t have to participate in a game show to find out—you can take a look at our IQ ranking by age instead!

16-17 years old
Average IQ:108

35-44 years old
Average IQ:99

18-19 years old
Average IQ:105

45-54 years old
Average IQ:97

20-34 years old
Average IQ:100

55+ years old
Average IQ:90

Highest IQ by university

Which university has the smartest students? Is it Princeton, Harvard, or an unexpected candidate outside of the Ivy League? Find the answer here!

Average IQ:145

Rice University
Average IQ:143

Average IQ:144

Average IQ:143

Average IQ:143

Harvey Mudd
Average IQ:143

Why this IQ test?

An IQ test measures your cognitive abilities, such as logical reasoning, pattern recognition, problem-solving skills, and short-term memory. The results are then expressed as a score called the intelligence quotient (IQ), which typically ranges from 40 to 160.

Generally speaking, IQ tests consist of multiple-choice questions that ask you to pick the next element in a sequence based on the previous ones. To solve these tasks, you must employ your analytical and deductive skills and work out the pattern that governs the sequence.

How are IQ scores calculated?

According to Wechsler’s widely accepted IQ test scale, an IQ score is calculated by comparing your results to those of your peers in the same age group. For example, if you do the test better than 86% of your generation, your result will be between 115 and 120. On the other hand, the worse you do compared to others, the lower your score.

The average IQ score is between 85 and 115, with over two-thirds of the population falling within this IQ test range. Any score under 85 is considered low, while those who score above 115 are appraised as gifted. The further you go toward either extreme, the fewer people share your IQ.

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What does IQ stand for?

IQ stands for intelligence quotient, a score that measures your cognitive abilities, reasoning, deduction, and problem-solving skills. It’s a number you receive after completing a standardized IQ test, and it usually ranges between 40 and 160.

What is an IQ test?

An IQ test contains questions that test your intelligence, ultimately calculating your IQ score. As a rule, IQ tests are standardized for each age group and indicate how your intelligence and cognitive ability compare to your peers.

What is a high IQ score?

Since the average IQ ranges from 85 to 115, all scores above 115 are considered high. However, IQs above 130 are particularly rare, with 140+ venturing into genius territory.

Why should I take this test?

Once available only in schools and workplaces, this test provides instant, accurate results backed by top psychologists and advanced research. On top of that, it’s really fun!

Can I prepare for an IQ test?

You absolutely can. We offer various IQ games and puzzles you can solve to enhance your memory, focus, and cognitive performance. Practicing in this way will boost your confidence and help you better understand what you can expect on the IQ test!

How will I receive my IQ test score?

Your IQ score will appear on the screen as soon as you complete the test. Moreover, if you choose to subscribe, you’ll also receive a detailed report on your IQ and potential areas for improvement.

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Take our certified IQ test to learn how your intelligence ranks compared to the rest of the population!


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